Eric Holder: Alabama Voters Stand on Cusp of Making History This Year

For Immediate Release
April 16, 2024
Madia Coleman

Washington, D.C. – Today, following the completion of the primary process in Alabama’s second congressional district, the state’s new Black opportunity district, Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States, issued the following statement celebrating another step toward progress and increased voter turnout as a result of the state’s new, fair map: 

“Following tonight’s runoff election, Alabama voters now stand on the cusp of making history in November, when Black Alabamians could—for the first time—elect two members of Congress who truly reflect their political desires. This step toward progress would not have been possible without the tenacity of Black Alabamians who have fought for equal representation for generations, and most recently fought for the enforcement of protections enshrined in the Voting Rights Act of 1965 before the U.S. Supreme Court—and won.

“The importance of fair maps cannot be overstated in empowering the people to engage fully in the electoral process. In the newly-drawn Black opportunity district there has been a very substantial increase in voter turnout, demonstrating that when the rights of the people are protected and the system is more fair, citizens are more likely to participate and cynicism is reduced. This stands in stark contrast to diminished voter turnout we have seen in past elections when voters were forced to cast their ballots in districts drawn in an obviously discriminatory way.  

“The rulings by the courts and the positive electoral reaction to them send a powerful message: By protecting voting rights and ensuring fairly drawn districts, we can build a better, more participatory democracy and a better country.”


This year, Alabama has a representative congressional map with an additional Black opportunity district as a result of a legal challenge brought by the National Redistricting Foundation (NRF), the 501(c)(3) affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC). As a result of the new map, Alabama could have two Black Members of Congress representing the state simultaneously for the first time in history following the 2024 general election in November.



ICYMI: Alabama’s Representative Map Drives Voter Turnout in New Black Opportunity District