New Hampshire Supreme Court Takes Up NRF-Supported Lawsuit

For Immediate Release
April 11, 2022
Brooke Lillard

Washington, D.C.—Today, the New Hampshire Supreme Court announced it is assuming jurisdiction over an impasse lawsuit filed last month by New Hampshire voters with the support of the National Redistricting Foundation (NRF). The Court has also announced its intention to appoint Nate Persily, who has a reputation of independence and fairness, as a special master.

“The supreme court’s decision to take jurisdiction over this case and to set a prompt and reasonable course of action is a critical step toward a fair congressional map for the people of New Hampshire,” said Marina Jenkins, Director of Litigation and Policy for the NRF. “Given the legislature has dragged its feet to make modest changes to one line that divides two congressional districts, the court has made the right decision to step in and appoint a nonpartisan special master to ensure New Hampshire’s congressional map is properly adjusted in time for the 2022 midterms.”



Florida Voters Challenge Discriminatory Map With Support of National Redistricting Foundation 


New Hampshire Voters File Impasse Lawsuit with Support of the National Redistricting Foundation