NRF Statement on North Carolina Supreme Court’s Announcement to Reconsider 2022 Redistricting Decisions


Jena Doyle 

NRF Statement on North Carolina Supreme Court’s Announcement to Reconsider 2022 Redistricting Decisions 

Washington, D.C.—Yesterday, the newly-sworn-in Republican majority of the North Carolina Supreme Court announced it will reconsider 2022 North Carolina Supreme Court decisions in Harper v. Hall, the state court case that struck down the legislature’s gerrymandered congressional and state senate maps just last year. The most recent of those decisions was made in December 2022. 

Marina Jenkins, Director of Litigation and Policy for the National Redistricting Foundation (NRF), issued the following statement: 

“The fact that this Court’s majority is willing to even consider reversing a decision the same body made just over a month ago is astonishing, and it threatens the legitimacy of the judicial branch in North Carolina. Let’s be clear, neither the contents of this case nor state law has changed – only the justices that make up the Court have changed. The Republicans did not file their petition because they had a better case – they filed their petition because they believe the new majority on the North Carolina Supreme Court will side with them simply as a result of having the same party affiliation. 

“Should the Court break precedent set just over a month ago, or even a year ago, it will end any semblance of judicial independence, and it will weaken the state’s system of checks and balances by turning North Carolina’s highest tribunal into just another partisan entity. Make no mistake: to agree to rehear the exact same case decided just last year is a dangerous move, but I hope this Court will use this as an opportunity to demonstrate to North Carolinians that it will uphold basic judicial norms and ultimately side with well-considered and well-established precedent.” 



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