NRF-Supported Respondents Submit 2nd SCOTUS Brief Reiterating Dangers Posed by Independent State Legislature Theory


Jena Doyle

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Harper respondents, a group of North Carolina voters supported by the National Redistricting Foundation (NRF), submitted a second supplemental letter brief to the Supreme Court of the United States in the case Moore v. Harper

“The independent state legislature theory is an extreme theory that threatens our system of checks and balances, a cornerstone of democracy,” said Olivia Mendoza, Director of Litigation and Policy for the NRF. “Such a dangerous case should have never been filed in the first place, let alone granted for consideration by our nation’s highest tribunal. We renew our calls for the Court to shut down the fringe theory once and for all. ” 

The full brief can be found HERE.



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